Saturday, 7 December 2019

Body Image, Central Pain & Motor Skill Learning: Evidence Based Diagnosis & Rehab in Harrogate

Do you have clients with:
Poor coordination and movement
Atypical pain patterns
Neurodevelopmental Disorders

If so,
- Midline and Body Image rehab rehab is what you need

This population represents a specific subgroup of patients we see.

This course is suitable for orthopaedic, paediatric, vestibular, and neurological physiotherapists

Course Description

Normal healthy coordination and body image are learned during the neurodevelopmental process. This includes primitive reflexes (PR) and key postural reflexes such as, labyrinthine righting, segmental rolling and crawling.

Motor imagery is directly linked with musculoskeletal body image. Motor imagery is required for motor skill learning, and motor planning. A subgroup of people do not have adequate motor skill learning and have a poor musculoskeletal body image. A subgroup of people do not have adequate motor skill learning.

The brain needs to know what is happening in the body. When this information is deficient the brain will change behaviour and / or movement to get this information. Pain and other symptoms can be produced as a result. It is now clear that our virtual brain and body image are involved in pain states. In some cases they can be a primary cause of the pain state.

Musculoskeletal body image pain is a type of central pain that results from extremely poor body image and is not central sensitization. This is easy to rehabilitate once diagnosed.

You will leave with a clear understanding of how to
diagnose musculoskeletal body image deficits along with the appropriate subjective history, physical examination and outcome measures to use.

You will be able to develop a rehabilitation program for clients with altered musculoskeletal body image  and have appropriate progressions and problem solving strategies.

This course has numerous novel evidence based therapies based upon original research of midline, musculoskeletal body image pain. Regardless of your experience you will obtain numerous new skills in assessment and rehab.

You will be able to: successfully treat many patients you could not previously rehab; treat some people more quickly, get better outcomes with some patients 

Course Objectives:

The participant will be equipped to:

· Perform a targeted motor imagery assessment

· Assess body image through a subjective history, questionnaires and physical assessment

· Assess and rehabilitate Midline and related sensory functions

· Develop a rehabilitation program for body image disorders with appropriate starting points and progressions 

This course is a game changer. Sean continues to push physiotherapists to think beyond the standard orthopedic model, incorporating neurological, neuro-developmental, functional medicine and original research into a model that answers so many questions regarding each patient's unique pain experience. His midline and musculoskeletal body image work is revolutionary. Chris Barber Advanced Physiotherapy Centres UK


Accurate Sub-classification
Quickly predict suitable treatment. No wasting time.

Midline & Musculoskeletal Body Image Pain
We will show you how to assess for musculoskeletal body image pain and rehabilitation strategies. This subtype of central pain can be rehabilitated quickly.

Improve Motor Control & Motor Skill Learning
Not everyone can learn to easily change their movement. We will show you how to screen for it and how to do it.

Postural & Primitive Reflexes
Immediately change movement patterns, help people who cannot learn and musculoskeletal body image pain

Neurodevelopmental Process
This can be used for rehabilitation of orthopaedic patients, neurological rehab of adults and children, as well as central pain and balance retraining.

Regardless of how much knowledge you have you will benefit from knowing:
Screening for non mechanical pain
• Specific Neurodevelopmental Rehab
Strategies for the treatment of central pain
Rehab of musculoskeletal body image & midline

Sean Gibbons graduated from Manchester University in 1995. He has been rehabilitating movement patterns for over 25 years. His PhD was on the development of a prescriptive clinical prediction rule for specific motor control exercises in low back pain. Key new sub-classifications were identified: Neurological Factors, which are related to extremely poor movement and the ability to learn to coordination exercises; Midline as a sensory system which is critical to Central Body Image Pain; and Neuro-Immune-Cardiometabolic-Endocrine dys-regulation, which is critical for Central Sensitization and Psychosocial Factors. His current work follows this and aims to further understand the mechanisms of non mechanical pain and the Individual Factors influencing treatment. His dissection and research into psoas major, gluteus maximus and other muscles has led to the development of new rehabilitation options. He has presented his research at national and international conferences and has several journal publications and book chapters on related topics. He is an Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) at McMaster's Advanced Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal / Manipulative Physiotherapy specialization and has lectured at Manchester Metropolitan University's Masters in Advanced Physiotherapy program. 

Course Fee:    £250.00 (+ VAT = £300.00)
10% discount for:
• Bring mates - Group: 3 or more
(Must register together as a group at the same time)
New Physio Grads  2018 or 2019
(discounts cannot be combined together)

15% discount if Repeating the course
(cannot be used in conjunction with above)

20% discount for Early Bird
Register by Jan 24, 2020

Date:               May 16-17, 2020

For a registration form email:

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