Sunday 19 April 2015

Sub-classification Based Management Provides Better Results

Evidence is growing that using sub-classification strategies provides superior outcomes than not using them. It is not clear which sub-classification method is best. A simple sub-classification method will be easier to use and will probably be used more by clinicians. On the other hand, if you are missing important information, your overall outcomes will be reflected. So that is the issue. SMARTERehab has researched and developed the most comprehensive sub-classification method in musculoskeletal medicine. We can sub-classify over 95% of patient's with > 90% accuracy and provide you with management guidelines or clinical prediction rules to provide significant improvement in this group. So there is some short term gain for applying the sub-classification model, for long term gain. Are you happy in your clinical practice being incorrect or not helping people? If so, our model can help. Come along and see.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely agree, because continue to seek the best treatment for patients diagnosed with "chronic back pain" is a bit like asking: which is the best cooking method for "vegetables" (type of cooking and ideal temperature and cooking time)? ... all vegetables need different cooking modalities to be cooked at best! So if we do not differentiate, through a proper strategy subclassification, the population to which it addresses our therapeutic intervention, the results we get will inevitably be poor!
